Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just When You Thought...

...I only had nice things to say. :) Not that this is mean, but it is controversial. Politics are corrupt on every side, so this isn't about parties or our current president. It is simply something that I feel strongly about. I am conservative in my views and I respect the politicians I know who are making an effort to uphold what is moral versus popular or pleasing. But I have heard several politicians and lay people recently make a statement likened to the following:

"Well if those Mexicans wanna be here they should have to learn our language - English! This is America"

Warning, if you agree with the above statement, we can still be friends, but you may want to stop reading here.

1. Not all Hispanics are Mexican. This is mainly for the area I live in. People here seem to think this. Ignorance may be involuntary, but it is not without consequence and should be avoided when possible.

2. Our language? Not to dim down the intentions of our forefathers, but if we were so "true" to who was here first, we would all be speaking Native American dialects. Not only that, but Americans (generally) aren't the best at speaking English.

3. Finally, let us not forget that the majority of our families (in generations past) moved here. German, Italian, Irish, African, Jewish, Anglo-Saxon...we didn't sprout from North American soil. These groups of people moved to America for the hope of something better...interesting concept.

Now for those of you who believe you have a conscience...consider the following:

4. If you're Jose and you're making $3.00 a week packing tomatoes,you have 4 children, a wife and her mother living with you...then you hear that 30 miles across a border you can make $7.00 a day...would you try to change your situation? This does NOT excuse doing something illegal. Illegal immigration is WRONG - period.
wouldn't it be great of we Christians went on mission trips to Mexico and stayed in their villages, NOT American owned hotels and taught them how to immigrate LEGALLY? Or how to manage money, or increase their crop harvest so that they could have a higher quality of life in Mexico?

And Finally, what I want to say to everyone who makes this statement to my face:

5. Use the hot air and energy you're exasperating now to "vent" to me and go teach one of them how to speak English.

I do understand the toll illegal immigration has taken on our economy and safety. Again, it is wrong. If our government decides to recreate the Great Wall of China along our borders, so be it. But this doesn't give us (especially Christians)the right to discriminate against those who are already here.

This summer, a drunk driver hit my sister and she suffered a concussion. He was drunk, high, speeding and an illegal alien. Obviously he had no insurance so we have a lot of bills to pay. We're mad. BUT God doesn't value him any less...so how can we? My sister said that.

Food for thought.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dr. Raulerson?????

I am so proud of my dad. To say he had obstacles in his life is an understatement, but then again, who hasn't? Anyway. In December of 2007 he received his Doctorate in Theology from beacon University. I went to his graduation, I knew it happened, but it hit me in a different way when he spoke at my church last Sunday and Pastor Vince introduced him as Doctor Raulerson. I see why Parents cry when their kids succeed. That is all I could do. Anyway...it was a very special day. Several friends who could also be considered family members attended and we praised God and ate and laughed and did what we do. HUGE thank you to the Gunter's for allowing us to use their Pond House.

Mom & Dad

Family Pic!

Real Parents & Surrogate Parents (Donna & Charles Gunter)

A couple of Sissies!

Oh Joy It's Coy (Friend & Brilliant Photographer) :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Overwhelming Me...

Those two words pertain to a lot in my life right now. I realized that I have some new blog readers who may not know much about what I have currently going on. Here is an update. Overwhelming me refers to...

1. The name of a song my brother (Wendell) wrote. When dad preached at my church this Sunday we sang it during the alter call. It is about being compelled and overwhelmed by the presence of God. Awesome stuff. My family is the world to me and I am so happy to be able to share the realtionship and heart for ministry that we have. We're crazy...but we're fun.

2. How I've felt at work lately. I've been the only person in my grant for about 2 years now, but this cycle (January 09-June 09) has been a bit more challenging to me. I like challenges, so I'm not discouraged - I'm just overwhelmed at times. The people I work with only see me as an educator, not a budget manager, data analyzer, etc. I know God will give me the grace to handle it...its just a lot to handle.

3. Kenneth Gordon. Its a good name, right? :) He is more than just a boyfriend. He is an opportunity for me to be a part of something for me. As a recovering people pleaser, I've been in several relationships that literally drained me. But Ken adds value and challenge and trust and self-esteem & humor to my life. I have been blessed with wonderful friends who do this as well, BUT I don't get to kiss them. :) I am overhwelmed at the fact that he chose me.

4. My friends! Holy cow, I am soooooooooo blessed. Lauren listens to my silly stories no matter how long they last. Steph drove 50 miles to be with me and my family on a really important day. Kristen prays dilligently for me...when she has the most challenging schedule and work load of her own. Coy gives advice like a pro...how is she so smart? Morgan is one of the FEW who truly understands the "Chipley Factor". God knows exactly what I need right now and he's put people in place for me to share and laugh and cry and stalk with. Ovewhelming!

5. God uses me?! Are you sure God? Don't you know how messed up I am? That I've lied and been unfauthful to you and done the complete opposite of things I should have done. But yet I talk to students who want to follow my example and church members who felt your presence because you used me. Prayers...silent prayers in my heart have been answered on the behalf of others. I don't deserve all of this, but Thank you.
