Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh Baby!

The past few years, my circle of friends have gone through the marriage thing. To say that I "run the wedding circuit" is an understatement. But Since 2006 it hasn't just been old friends from high very own girls and guys have been getting married. It has been a great experience and I've learned so much, but that does NOT prepare you for the baby phase!! It is a whole new wave of terms and deadlines (also known as due-dates) and smells. :) There was recently an article in Cosmo that discussed changes in friendships when your buddies have babies, so this has inspired my own list of thoughts for friends with and without babies.

To the new Mom's & Dad's
1. DON'T apologize for being a mom and dad. Yes things are different and it will take you a little longer to load everything in or out of car, but your baby-less friends understand. It's ok.

2. DO understand that your baby is more exciting and beautiful and perfect to you than anyone else and pictures are a GREAT way to capture this, BUT you should have an edited slideshow for friends and a lengthier one for grandma or whoever else wants to see you RIGHT after you delivered. A "friend" at church brought her entire birthing collection to show EVRYONE - wrong. Steph quickly flipped through similar shots to show the super cute ones - right. By the way check out her blog to see pics (not too many :) ) of Addison Grace.

3. DO NOT let everyone touch your child! This has nothing to do with friendship really, I just work for the health department and it must be said. You are the mom/dad and it is ok to say "I think they are resting right now" or "would you mind washing your hands first".

Non-baby havers...
1. Babies are not aliens and it can be very offensive to look or talk about your friend's baby as such. No, their bodily fluids won't kill you. Yes they cry, but that is good. Helen Keller didn't cry as a baby...enough said.

2. Your friends still want to be your friends. Yes they are caring for a life, but they still care about your life. Be respectful of their late nights & such, but sending a text or email or PRAYER is a great way to let them know you haven't written them off.

3. Get used to the boob. Breastfeeding is a normal, healthy thing. I believe that there is a level of disccretion mom's should use, but if you're around a new mom're gonna see it. Don't stare, but don't FREAK out either. Continue what you're doing, or if you're uncomfortable, it is a great opporunity to look at more pictures of the baby, go to the bathroom, or make a phone call.

The End. :)


Stephanie said...

One more to the list that kinda goes with the last one, get use to the much bigger boobs!
Also, in addition to the prayer and texts=) feel free to buy the mom friend a small amount gift card to her favorite clothing store for a special occassion such as her b-day and christmas ... because she probably hates her body now and doesn't have any clothes that fit=D Or nominate her for What Not To Wear ... but Seriously, I'm not say this FOR me but for any new mom.

Tiffane said...

:) So for Mother's day you didn't want that Target GC I got you? I'll just give it to "any new mom" lol J/K