Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Word Bash #5

I am long overdue for a new Word Bash post. Consider the following:

-"Hi kids, my name is Dr. Smiley and I am here to check your vision, hearing, weight and heighth..." PAUSE FOR THE CAUSE (as Morgan would say). A Doctor would never make the previous statement because there is a word in there that does not exist. "Heighth" is not a word...but "height" is.

-And to every deacon, scripture reader and Sunday School teacher in African American churches...the "w" in "sword" is silent. I understand that when we first came to America we had to teach ourselves how to read the bible. But let us take advantage of the freedom we now read, write, excel in learning...and to pronounce things properly.

-This thought dabbles more in etiquette than speech, but IF you happen to posses that NASTY habit known as dipping (definition: holding chewing tobacco in your mouth until the saliva builds up and you have to spit it out. Meanwhile small particles of sharp materials cut into the inside of your lip allowing the nicotine & other chemicals - many of them toxic- to enter your blood stream. This is what may or may not give you a buzz.) Yes, I work for the Health Department. :) Anyway, if you do this...don't talk! There is NO way that black spit will stay in your mouth. And if you try to keep it in then nobody knows what in the world you're saying. So, do it in the car, or on the toilet or when you're alone. But PLEASE do not try to give anyone vital information with that big wad of gross in your mouth. Thank you.

The End!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

W is silent unless you are Sean Connery ... then it's SWORDS=)