Monday, August 27, 2007

Analyze this... a conversation with Steph this weekend, I bravely admitted that i am a pathological analyst. This has its good points and bad, but in a self analysis, I did something this weekend which confirmed that God loves my strengths and weaknesses.
There was a roach in my bathroom...I'm talking like at least 3 inches. I hate roaches (which is funny because if I had been a foreign Country, this would have been totally different)!!! But I kept the light on and went to get the can of spray. This was at 11:50 p.m. Then I went back and stood there...for an hour. I thought of everyway to get to was on the ledge above my shower in clear sight, mind you. But I thought "ok, If I spray from this angle, it will go to the left. If I come this way it will fly towards me. But I can't just leave it. I can't sleep knowing its running around." There I stood, faced with an insect the size of my finger...I had the tool to kill it...I was in a good position...but I stood there for an hour out of fear. "Fear of what", you may ask? I'm not sure exactly. Fear that it would fly on me and bite me and infect me with its roach venom and I would be immediately paralyzed then it would call its roach friends and they would cover me and and I wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. :)

Please, now that you have a pitiful expression on your face like "Tiffane not only is that sad, but its ridiculous" know that did spray it. I sprayed the crap out of it while saying "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" lol...I'm not even lying.

So it brings me to admittance of this: I am afraid. I'm afraid of losing friends and being alone. I'm afraid of letting people down. I'm afraid of living in Chpley all my life and being the old lady on the corner with the cats (and roaches). But what a means for me to acknowledge my weakness. I don't like losing, I don't like being wrong, I don't like when people watch over my shoulder, I don't like being told what to do. But all of this comes from a fear of being seen as small, insignificant and incompetent. God know this and I think this is why I'm afraid of little things like roaches, so I am constantly reminded that there is nothing I can do on my own. It is only by His strength-which He faithfully gives.

Thank you to all of you who love me inspite of my pride and fear. Especially to Steph who not only listens to my rambling, but usually stays on the phone with me while I kill bugs! :) And to Lauren who got that spider the one time... :) I am blessed to have friends like you.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


If you couldn't tell by the many exclamation points...I say this in an unhappy tone. I recently had a boy send me some "dating tips" as a joke. They were funny, but it has inspired me to write a few of my own tips...some funny, some essential for future success with any breathing female. So girls take heart, boys-take notes :)

1. We are emotional. Sorry but it comes with the package...lip gloss, boobs and tears! You gotta take them all. But in an emotional moment try your best not to talk. Just listen. Nine times out of ten, your advice (good or not) will be ignored because she can't hear you through the sobbing. So just wait for the opportune moment...which is probably the next day. :)

2. Its not about the chocolate or the roses its about WHY you give them. Lets say you say something hurtful...roses won't fix that. You can't fix something emotional with something physical. Try an apology...then some chocolate. And if you're dating a girl who is "satisfied" with the material stuff...she must have REALLY great boobs. Find someone who is worth something and dump the current gf

3. God made man and woman to compliment each other not complete each other. Eve came from Adam's rib, but Adam still functioned without it. Too many guys are looking for the "super-nurturer". Ya know, the girl who will "keep him straight"! This is a personal opinion which I will state like a fact : If you can't stay straight on your own, please do NOT bring your baggage to me. :) I'm all about helping someone become the best they can be, but this is not Extreme Makeover: boyfriend edition.

4. We like making out as much as we like cuddling! Its true. I'm tired of guys getting all the credit for the fire in a relationship. Boys-Find yourself a hot mama (the abstinent ones are best) and she'll keep things happy :)

5. Not every girl is the same...I know that seems contradictory to my listing of "girl rules" but its true. So guys, do us each a favor and realize that we may do or say something WAY different from your last girlfriend. Some girls climb trees...some shop...some talk all day...some say very little. Some are man-eaters...some would do just about anything for their guy. It doesn't make one good or bad, right or wrong. Just different.

6. You need us...whether its your mom, your sister, your wife...a crazy grandma...there is some female in your life that you can't do without. That is because we are great cheerleaders. We're motivators. We teach you to be compassionate. We feed you. lol We love deeply. So yeah, we're pretty awesome. BUT we need you too. This is not a "girl power" speech.

I think I may continue this list in the future. It'll be like "word bash" so you can look forward to future editions.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Not to...

..."toot my own horn" "be Debbie downer" "sound jealous or something"! Phrases that we use daily as a preface to the very tone, attitude or characteristic that we are disclaiming. "not to be ugly...but that is ridiculous" :) I myself am guilty of saying things like this.

But why? Could it be we're afraid that those who hear our statement will deem us cocky, pessimistic, or jealous? Apparently not because we make the statement anyway; as if saying "not to be a jerk..." makes you any less of a jerk.

There are times when a statement needs to be said, but it may be taken the wrong way by the recipient or innocent by-listeners. Then comes the greater question "If its the truth, why not say it? Isn't it worse to lie than to have their feelings hurt for awhile?" Great question. I'm not promising that this will be a great answer, but we'll see :)

The missing factor here is not logic, but wisdom. Ethos, Pathos and Logos are wonderful concepts, but when God (not Aristotle) put these into play, He laid wisdom above them all. Wisdom says that your ethos (character) is earned and matures over time. Wisdom says that your Pathos (passion) has guidelines and should be driven by HIS spirit within you. Wisdom says that logos (logic) has its place when it comes with Godly validity. So God's wisdom shapes our words. With wisdom people get to know our character which should show them that we're not a jerk. Wisdom infuses our logic and passion with timing to know whether or not we should open our mouths. Or how to phrase what is coming out of our mouths. :)

This is something I am constantly working on. I have a mouth that is quicker than my wisdom at I pray for the constant reminder that I am only right when I am wise. Speaking the truth does not make me right by God's standards. The devil can quote scripture, but I can ask for God's wisdom to speak his words at moments that can change lives and break spiritual bonds. Not to toot my own horn :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Word Bash 3: "Conjuction Junction...

...whats your function? Hooking up phrases, words and clauses". I don't know if anyone else was/is a School House Rock fan, but apparently the musical cartoon didn't reach as many lives as hoped for. In a vacuum of irony...I have noticed the very demographic that is charged with inventing the conjunction "y'all" has NO idea how to spell it. Here in Chi-town (that is Chipley) I have seen many a poster claiming that ya'll is an acceptable way to greet someone. The conjunction y'all represents you-all. The apostrophe replaces the "ou" from you. Unless you're from Boston and you say things like "ya ma", there is no need to put the apostrophe anywhere other than where it is supposed to be. Y'all got it?