Monday, December 21, 2009

Gone are the days...

...I've mentioned this to Steph before...and maybe L, but one of the things I miss most when this time of year comes around is working at Family Christian Stores. We would serve wassail, Matt would play the only song on the Christmas CD that I hated over and over, there were pretty bags hanging behind us. It was hectic at times, but there was always something that I loved about being there. I LOVED being able to say Merry Christmas. I loved helping people find that one thing that they REALLY needed. Most of all, I loved when we would have staff parties at George's house and Steph would get me things made of cotton...or that smelled like cotton...never got old.

I know its silly to mention retail this time of year. Of course the season is all about Jesus. But I guess I miss being able to work retail with that in mind. Praying for people, helping people, smiling and saying Merry Christmas. I miss it. And in my office I only get to say it to myself. :) And all of you. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tiff Wonders Why...

...people are allowed a drivers license without having to learn the following:
-how to use a 4 way stop
-the difference between the cruising and passing lanes on the interstate
-how to use a turn signal
-that you can only go as fast as the car in front of you

I know this is an awfully critical topic for the Christmas season, but seriously...! My boyfriend pointed out my road rage the other day and I realize that I may have a problem. It has magnified now that 85% of my life is spent on the road. Jesus and I are working on me and that patience and kindness thing. When walking or sitting, I'm good, but driving is a different story. So here are some KIND hints for drivers out there:

-When approaching a 4 way stop, make a complete stop. The first person to stop has the right of way then it is the next stopped car to the right. If you have stopped and there is another car approaching but no one else is at the 4-way, you may proceed. You don't have to sit there and wait for the other car to stop (traffic time saved 20 seconds).

-On the interstate, no matter how many lanes, the far left lane is for passing...not cruising. DO NOT get into this lane and set your cruise control on 70. YOU WILL BE RUN OVER! Also, if you have the guts to get in the passing lane , follow through with it. Don't get over and play neck and neck with the car next to you.

-Somewhere near your steering wheel is a small stick that controls your turn signal. Please locate it and use it. Also, using it AFTER you've moved into the next lane does not count and is useless.

-When on a two lane road, I COMPLETELY support moving with the flow of traffic. BUT if the traffic in front of me is a school bus, county transport and grandma Sue, I will not be traveling faster than 30 mph because it is most likely impossible. So PLEASE do not tailgate. It helps no one...and you don't get there faster. HOWEVER if I am doing 40 in a 45 and there is no one in front of me, please tailgate me until I respond with acceleration. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Expect the Unexpected

So I made a comment to a co-worker the other day about Aerosmith and she looked at me crossed-eyed. Sub text "black people don't listen to Aerosmith". I've never really fit into any stereotype and if you know me well enough you know that's true. But here are some artists and specific songs that you may be surprised to find on my ipod.

-Live With Lonesome, Little Big Town (BEAUTIFUL)
-Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued, Fall Out Boy
-Just Dance, Lady Gaga (I'm a little embarrassed about this one. The lyrics aren't great, but it gets stuck in your head)
-Completely, Diamond Rio (Really Old, but I LOVE it)
-When Doves Cry, Prince (He is SUPER weird, I know)
-More Than a Feeling, Boston

I should point out that these are songs that I've belted in the car, not just ones that I tolerate in the elevator. I love music...all kinds.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pardon My Mush...

I swore I wouldn't be one of those girlfriends with pictures of my beau & me as my phone background. But I've realized that you don't do that because you periodically forget what they look like...which is what I've always assumed. Its just that some people make life better and since you can't have them around all the time, a picture is the next best thing. In a complete fit of honesty...there are moments where I think "if I stare at this picture long enough, he'll jump right out and kiss me!" Still waiting for that...

This feeling is quite silly and vulnerable but positively one of the most wonderful, indescribable feelings in the world. Brooke Fraser tells Love's story much better than I. Read and smile (or gag depending on your current love life) :)

The sky opens up over me and you
And you don't seem to mind that we're soaked through
You kiss me in the rain, I forget what I'm moaning about
And I know I wouldn't be the same without you

I wouldn't be the same without you
I wouldn't be the same without you

I laugh at my own jokes and what I deem to be clever wit
And you don't seem to mind that I'm so stupid
You kiss me once again, I forget what I'm babbling about
And I know I wouldn't be the same without you

I couldn't replicate your touch or love anyone again this much
But I wouldn't be the same without you

I wouldn't be the same without you

*More from this WONDERFUL artist

Monday, October 26, 2009


I was going to wait and post this after a life update, but I heard it again recently and it just has to be addressed. Shortly after moving to Chipley (or the armpit of Florida as some call it) I learned that shopping would become alot like digging for gold...its fun and you like the results, but there aren't many places to do it.

Anyway, at my glorious disposal for clothes shopping I have Wal Mart, Peebles and Bealls Outlet. In the past year you can add CATO fashions to that list, thank you very much. In all seriousness, Bealls Outlet has come through for me in some tight spots. Ive purchased a Nine West bag, a pair of Ann Taylor dress pants and a last minute engagement party dress. You do what you have to do.

So in my shopping trips and around I have heard several people refer to the store Beels or BEE-ALS (like the small buzzing thing plus the name name AL). Which I guess at first glance of the store name: Bealls, it could happen...but I think the logo gives it away.

What do you think? Well, I asked just to make sure and the cashier confirmed that it is pronounced like Bells. :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I know, I know...

Many of you have had to eat your breakfast while watching the Today Show instead of reading this clever...yet silly blog. I am WAY overdue for an update. BUT there is a lot to update on. Expect new posts soon. But for now, check out my amazing cousin and her new blog. She is a make up artist with some serious may also check her out on Facebook. If you're in the Tampa area and you are in need of an artist be sure to contact her. The link to her blog is in my "people you should meet" section.

As a teaser...the following posts will be up soon:
Word bash - Bealls, you know the store that has a BELL for a logo...
Tiff Wonders Why (new feature) - older women don't understand that long hair is NOT ok.
Trip to New York
New Office in Tallahassee
The Office: Jim & Pam's Wedding comments

I look forward to sharing with you. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Word Bash #5

I am long overdue for a new Word Bash post. Consider the following:

-"Hi kids, my name is Dr. Smiley and I am here to check your vision, hearing, weight and heighth..." PAUSE FOR THE CAUSE (as Morgan would say). A Doctor would never make the previous statement because there is a word in there that does not exist. "Heighth" is not a word...but "height" is.

-And to every deacon, scripture reader and Sunday School teacher in African American churches...the "w" in "sword" is silent. I understand that when we first came to America we had to teach ourselves how to read the bible. But let us take advantage of the freedom we now read, write, excel in learning...and to pronounce things properly.

-This thought dabbles more in etiquette than speech, but IF you happen to posses that NASTY habit known as dipping (definition: holding chewing tobacco in your mouth until the saliva builds up and you have to spit it out. Meanwhile small particles of sharp materials cut into the inside of your lip allowing the nicotine & other chemicals - many of them toxic- to enter your blood stream. This is what may or may not give you a buzz.) Yes, I work for the Health Department. :) Anyway, if you do this...don't talk! There is NO way that black spit will stay in your mouth. And if you try to keep it in then nobody knows what in the world you're saying. So, do it in the car, or on the toilet or when you're alone. But PLEASE do not try to give anyone vital information with that big wad of gross in your mouth. Thank you.

The End!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lemme lemme lemme update ya...

Hi faithful readers!

Its been nearly a month since my last post and it feels like a week! So much is going on. Over the past 4 weeks I have visited my family (pictures of that will be up soon), hosted Twilight Night (a major event for work where we showed the movie and discussed healthy and unhealthy relationships), picked up another wedding for the end of this month, and did P&W for our women's conference, taught a week of classes with the COOLEST class ever (shout out to Ms. Nelson!), made stuffed mushrooms for the first time, got my car cleaned, had lunch with Stephanie and that cute little thing she's always feeding (I'm pretty sure its her kid), missed 2 episodes of the Office :(, went to the park with Kenneth (I love parks...Kenneth is pretty cool too), saw my brother and his awesome tour band from Warner Christian Academy (I love you Wendell, you're a great Assistant band Director)...


Somewhere in the midst of all that I showered...I find this helpful in keeping friends.

What I've also learned is that God is the one who gives me strength. There is nothing I do that I can do by myself. I am moody and impatient and tired, but in my weakness He is strong and that is awesome! Be encouraged today. OH and check out the pictures below. Shout out to my friend Casey!

Ladies and Gentlemen: Casey Parish!

Good Friend, Graphic Design Enthusiast, Rising Photographer...

Thank you, Casey!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Get Vaccinated!

It's Been Awhile...

Sorry friends I went MIA for a bit, but please believe I was in action not just hanging out. I'm hoping everyone had a wonderful Easter...I got to spend some time with my sweet friends the Kone's.

Shout out to some of the sweetest people I know!!

Other than that, I have been busy in classes trying to encourage young people to make some good decisions. I had one of my High School students ask me to the prom.

"Miss go wit me to da prom"

"Sure! You don't mind if my boyfriend comes too, do you?"

" fine! It don't matter."

"Well thanks for the invite, but I'm pretty sure that its illegal...for lots of reasons."

I love my job!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just When You Thought...

...I only had nice things to say. :) Not that this is mean, but it is controversial. Politics are corrupt on every side, so this isn't about parties or our current president. It is simply something that I feel strongly about. I am conservative in my views and I respect the politicians I know who are making an effort to uphold what is moral versus popular or pleasing. But I have heard several politicians and lay people recently make a statement likened to the following:

"Well if those Mexicans wanna be here they should have to learn our language - English! This is America"

Warning, if you agree with the above statement, we can still be friends, but you may want to stop reading here.

1. Not all Hispanics are Mexican. This is mainly for the area I live in. People here seem to think this. Ignorance may be involuntary, but it is not without consequence and should be avoided when possible.

2. Our language? Not to dim down the intentions of our forefathers, but if we were so "true" to who was here first, we would all be speaking Native American dialects. Not only that, but Americans (generally) aren't the best at speaking English.

3. Finally, let us not forget that the majority of our families (in generations past) moved here. German, Italian, Irish, African, Jewish, Anglo-Saxon...we didn't sprout from North American soil. These groups of people moved to America for the hope of something better...interesting concept.

Now for those of you who believe you have a conscience...consider the following:

4. If you're Jose and you're making $3.00 a week packing tomatoes,you have 4 children, a wife and her mother living with you...then you hear that 30 miles across a border you can make $7.00 a day...would you try to change your situation? This does NOT excuse doing something illegal. Illegal immigration is WRONG - period.
wouldn't it be great of we Christians went on mission trips to Mexico and stayed in their villages, NOT American owned hotels and taught them how to immigrate LEGALLY? Or how to manage money, or increase their crop harvest so that they could have a higher quality of life in Mexico?

And Finally, what I want to say to everyone who makes this statement to my face:

5. Use the hot air and energy you're exasperating now to "vent" to me and go teach one of them how to speak English.

I do understand the toll illegal immigration has taken on our economy and safety. Again, it is wrong. If our government decides to recreate the Great Wall of China along our borders, so be it. But this doesn't give us (especially Christians)the right to discriminate against those who are already here.

This summer, a drunk driver hit my sister and she suffered a concussion. He was drunk, high, speeding and an illegal alien. Obviously he had no insurance so we have a lot of bills to pay. We're mad. BUT God doesn't value him any how can we? My sister said that.

Food for thought.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dr. Raulerson?????

I am so proud of my dad. To say he had obstacles in his life is an understatement, but then again, who hasn't? Anyway. In December of 2007 he received his Doctorate in Theology from beacon University. I went to his graduation, I knew it happened, but it hit me in a different way when he spoke at my church last Sunday and Pastor Vince introduced him as Doctor Raulerson. I see why Parents cry when their kids succeed. That is all I could do. was a very special day. Several friends who could also be considered family members attended and we praised God and ate and laughed and did what we do. HUGE thank you to the Gunter's for allowing us to use their Pond House.

Mom & Dad

Family Pic!

Real Parents & Surrogate Parents (Donna & Charles Gunter)

A couple of Sissies!

Oh Joy It's Coy (Friend & Brilliant Photographer) :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Overwhelming Me...

Those two words pertain to a lot in my life right now. I realized that I have some new blog readers who may not know much about what I have currently going on. Here is an update. Overwhelming me refers to...

1. The name of a song my brother (Wendell) wrote. When dad preached at my church this Sunday we sang it during the alter call. It is about being compelled and overwhelmed by the presence of God. Awesome stuff. My family is the world to me and I am so happy to be able to share the realtionship and heart for ministry that we have. We're crazy...but we're fun.

2. How I've felt at work lately. I've been the only person in my grant for about 2 years now, but this cycle (January 09-June 09) has been a bit more challenging to me. I like challenges, so I'm not discouraged - I'm just overwhelmed at times. The people I work with only see me as an educator, not a budget manager, data analyzer, etc. I know God will give me the grace to handle it...its just a lot to handle.

3. Kenneth Gordon. Its a good name, right? :) He is more than just a boyfriend. He is an opportunity for me to be a part of something for me. As a recovering people pleaser, I've been in several relationships that literally drained me. But Ken adds value and challenge and trust and self-esteem & humor to my life. I have been blessed with wonderful friends who do this as well, BUT I don't get to kiss them. :) I am overhwelmed at the fact that he chose me.

4. My friends! Holy cow, I am soooooooooo blessed. Lauren listens to my silly stories no matter how long they last. Steph drove 50 miles to be with me and my family on a really important day. Kristen prays dilligently for me...when she has the most challenging schedule and work load of her own. Coy gives advice like a is she so smart? Morgan is one of the FEW who truly understands the "Chipley Factor". God knows exactly what I need right now and he's put people in place for me to share and laugh and cry and stalk with. Ovewhelming!

5. God uses me?! Are you sure God? Don't you know how messed up I am? That I've lied and been unfauthful to you and done the complete opposite of things I should have done. But yet I talk to students who want to follow my example and church members who felt your presence because you used me. Prayers...silent prayers in my heart have been answered on the behalf of others. I don't deserve all of this, but Thank you.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Word Bash is BACK!!! #4

Oh how I've missed these posts.

Last week I attended a conference with an array of people (health professionals, mind you) from around the state. This is where I received some new material for this post. Let's start with my brothas and sistas...

HOW in the WORLD did we learn to replace the letter "f" with a "th" sound? For instance the word "after" becomes "ather". I know it sounds crazy, but it happens. Please make it stop happening.

And once again here in LA (Lower Alabama) there is this phrase-ology that begins when country people get excited...tenses don't matter. Example: "He was running so hard he come 'round the corner and tripped." Really? He come? Not came?

Finally, I don't know what rule this breaks, but there has to be one. Same demographic by the way. "Every time Jenny hears that song she starts to crying." Please, don't use the easier, one-less-syllable verson of that statement "Every time Jenny hears that song she starts crying."

For those of you who are reading my word bash post for the first time, know that I'm not grammatically perfect and I don't claim to be. But I do think American's BUTCHER the English language (text messaging doesn't help) and someone needs to defend it! As usual, feel free to call me out on any mistakes you find on my blog. :) Have a grammatically correct day! :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh Baby!

The past few years, my circle of friends have gone through the marriage thing. To say that I "run the wedding circuit" is an understatement. But Since 2006 it hasn't just been old friends from high very own girls and guys have been getting married. It has been a great experience and I've learned so much, but that does NOT prepare you for the baby phase!! It is a whole new wave of terms and deadlines (also known as due-dates) and smells. :) There was recently an article in Cosmo that discussed changes in friendships when your buddies have babies, so this has inspired my own list of thoughts for friends with and without babies.

To the new Mom's & Dad's
1. DON'T apologize for being a mom and dad. Yes things are different and it will take you a little longer to load everything in or out of car, but your baby-less friends understand. It's ok.

2. DO understand that your baby is more exciting and beautiful and perfect to you than anyone else and pictures are a GREAT way to capture this, BUT you should have an edited slideshow for friends and a lengthier one for grandma or whoever else wants to see you RIGHT after you delivered. A "friend" at church brought her entire birthing collection to show EVRYONE - wrong. Steph quickly flipped through similar shots to show the super cute ones - right. By the way check out her blog to see pics (not too many :) ) of Addison Grace.

3. DO NOT let everyone touch your child! This has nothing to do with friendship really, I just work for the health department and it must be said. You are the mom/dad and it is ok to say "I think they are resting right now" or "would you mind washing your hands first".

Non-baby havers...
1. Babies are not aliens and it can be very offensive to look or talk about your friend's baby as such. No, their bodily fluids won't kill you. Yes they cry, but that is good. Helen Keller didn't cry as a baby...enough said.

2. Your friends still want to be your friends. Yes they are caring for a life, but they still care about your life. Be respectful of their late nights & such, but sending a text or email or PRAYER is a great way to let them know you haven't written them off.

3. Get used to the boob. Breastfeeding is a normal, healthy thing. I believe that there is a level of disccretion mom's should use, but if you're around a new mom're gonna see it. Don't stare, but don't FREAK out either. Continue what you're doing, or if you're uncomfortable, it is a great opporunity to look at more pictures of the baby, go to the bathroom, or make a phone call.

The End. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ok, I'll post some new pictures!

I was recently busted by a friend of mine (Cough Lauren Cough) for not having very many updated pictures on my blog. So here are some random thoughts and shots from the past year.

Last Spring Ian and I went and saw Wicked - the Musical in Ft. Lauderdale. AWESOME TRIP!

The view from the hotel window! I miss South Florida!!

This is why I DON'T believe in GPS systems. We were supposed to go to this seafood shack on the water and we eneded up an alley!

The theatre is right on the intercoastal waterway. So after we stalked the cast the afternoon before the show, we walked along the water. Great day!

Our only picture from the night of the show. I think we were too excited to care about pics of us. we had seats right by the pit (the cut out below the stage where the orchestra sits). Priorities!!


I sang for a wedding over the summer (one of many) and made a new little friend. She wants to be a singer when she grows up. Sweet girl!

Same wedding! Me in a Maclean Sandwich! I think Drew, Marc and I attended at least 5 of the same weddings this past year. Crazy!


This summer, Stephanie and Kristen Successfully surprised me with a birthday party...I don't know how it happened! :) Thank you, ladies! Good times.

Also, big props to Tim for my cake! Not that you made it, but you did apprehend it. means just as much! :)

LAST but not LEAST its time for family!

If you don't know the Righteous Boys...well shame on you! My younger brother's started a rap group with their church in DeLand. God has used them to minister to tons of people who wouldn't hear the gospel otherwise. Do we get crunk? Yes. Do we sell out God's word for hype and ridiculousness? No. Check them out on MySpace. Anyway...Here are pics from a concert where Courtney and I sang as well!

More from the concert! :)

Finally we took family protraits with my mom's side of the family...all 99 thousand of us. I'll post more of those in the future.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Thoughts...

1. I am horrible at those pictures you take of yourself. Like when you and 3 friends hug, but you’re on the end so you have to hold the camera. I always end up taking a picture of the ceiling.

2. I like for things to be color coordinated. Everything I have filed at work has a color.

3. If I had to lose one of my senses, I would choose sight.

4. One of my favorite moments in life – I went home to visit the family and we participated in a back-to-school outreach concert in this park. My sister and I were singing back up to a song my brothers were rapping. We were doing it a capella then all of a sudden this awesome Praise and Worship group from another church (who just happened to be Spanish :)) started backing us up on the instruments. They didn’t know the music or anything. They just picked it up…it was AMAZING!

5. I love forensic and crime investigative shows. I think sub-consciously I want to be one of those kick-butt chick cops. Think Sandra Bullock in Murder By Numbers.

6. I’m not a pet person, but I think I can change (stole that From my brother, but it holds true for me too)

7. I’ve improved on telling people how I feel…and I feel better about myself. Which is ironic because I always thought I was helping someone by with-holding certain things. No, not so much.

8. I lead praise and worship at my church and it is one of the most wonderful privileges in my life.

9. I would really like to be a counselor at a summer camp this year. I do that in Jamaica, but I would like to do one in States.

10. I have to wipe excess water off of the sink after I use it. Any sink.

11. I won 12 dollars during the Super Bowl…wasn’t expecting that.

12. in 9th grade , my sister was driving home and at a stop light i saw a lady to my right balling her eyes out. it was raining. she had a green '01 civic. i wanted to follow her and find out what was wrong and i still really want to find her even though that was like 7 years ago. it was a emotionally draining thing to watch. < Again Wendell’s answer, but I was the one driving. I remember that day like it was today.

13. I don’t find it complimentary when older women say “Oh wow, you’re 23? You look like a baby! You’ll appreciate it when you’re 40.” That is NOT a compliment.

14. Since Barack Obama cares about the advancement of colored people…I would love for him to come observe my abstinence class so he can advance me by not yanking abstinence funding. Is there someone I can write about that :)

15. If I could get Diagnosis Murder (which is an old TV show w/Dick Van Dyke in it) the complete series on DVD…I would be SO happy.!

16. I am currently dating a wonderful man who makes me feel smart and pretty and funny. I don’t think he knows how much he adds to my life.

17. If you had told me a year ago that I would write number 16, I would have laughed hysterically in your presence.

18. I have observed that men can say in one sentence what it takes women a paragraph to convey.

19. My siblings say that I was the most violent of all 4 of us growing up. This is only funny because now, the ONLY reason I would be violent is if someone did something to hurt my siblings.

20. Some days I feel unattractive which is weird because it’s not like I have a different body part all of a sudden…I don’t know.

21. I think God allows us to fall in love with others here on Earth so we can have a better, undeniable, first hand example of how He loves us. If we think that someone love us SO much that they would do anything for us…Jesus already has.

22. I am filling this out right now instead of doing important work.

23. I enjoy going to parks. I always have. My mom used to take us on nature walks when we were home-schooled. Great, unforgettable quality Time

24. I am a night person

25. After a long…treacherous run of broken vehicles. I finally have a new(er) one that works. If it is any indicator of the power of “waiting for the right one” then I am good with this whole abstinence thing :)

It's About Time

It has literally been almost one year to the day since my last post. I have so much to say. :) I will do my best to keep this updated especially for all of my out of town friends. Expect a full update tomorrow.