Monday, February 9, 2009

Ok, I'll post some new pictures!

I was recently busted by a friend of mine (Cough Lauren Cough) for not having very many updated pictures on my blog. So here are some random thoughts and shots from the past year.

Last Spring Ian and I went and saw Wicked - the Musical in Ft. Lauderdale. AWESOME TRIP!

The view from the hotel window! I miss South Florida!!

This is why I DON'T believe in GPS systems. We were supposed to go to this seafood shack on the water and we eneded up an alley!

The theatre is right on the intercoastal waterway. So after we stalked the cast the afternoon before the show, we walked along the water. Great day!

Our only picture from the night of the show. I think we were too excited to care about pics of us. we had seats right by the pit (the cut out below the stage where the orchestra sits). Priorities!!


I sang for a wedding over the summer (one of many) and made a new little friend. She wants to be a singer when she grows up. Sweet girl!

Same wedding! Me in a Maclean Sandwich! I think Drew, Marc and I attended at least 5 of the same weddings this past year. Crazy!


This summer, Stephanie and Kristen Successfully surprised me with a birthday party...I don't know how it happened! :) Thank you, ladies! Good times.

Also, big props to Tim for my cake! Not that you made it, but you did apprehend it. means just as much! :)

LAST but not LEAST its time for family!

If you don't know the Righteous Boys...well shame on you! My younger brother's started a rap group with their church in DeLand. God has used them to minister to tons of people who wouldn't hear the gospel otherwise. Do we get crunk? Yes. Do we sell out God's word for hype and ridiculousness? No. Check them out on MySpace. Anyway...Here are pics from a concert where Courtney and I sang as well!

More from the concert! :)

Finally we took family protraits with my mom's side of the family...all 99 thousand of us. I'll post more of those in the future.


Lauren and Chad Rogers said...

yay for pictures!!!! i love the family photo! Ok, so now you need pictures of you and Ken!!! hurry up with that would ya?! : )

Cindy said...

So where in the world is Tiffane now? Lol! Just stumbled across your blog, pretty cool! :o) I love the pictures! Just moved back to Central Florida. Yay! Still have the same e-mail address, cindysuegay(at) Would love to catch up sometime! Hope all is well! Still looking for you on Facebook! Lol!