Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So, I have incurred a feeling for the first time in awhile...I feel single. And I'm ok with it. For those of you who have always had a boyfriend or its been awhile since you've had to date, there are different ways to feel single. let me explain.

Happily Single- Content with who you are and where you're at in life. Not looking, but always open to whatever life brings

Restlessly Single- You seem happy, but secretly every time you walk into a store or restaurant you picture having a random conversation with the check out guy very much like the 1-word How to Lose a Guy convo.



"Andie Anderson"

"Benjamin Berry"


"Thank You"

"I meant your name"

" (laughs) Thank you two times"

Uncomfortably Single-you avoid social situations where couples will be gatehring because it makes you feellike a leper on the outskirts of the conversations about "his favorite tv show" "their last trip to the grocery store" And God forbid if they've had their first kid "Wanna see a picture of Tommy's poop?" NOOOOOO.

Desperately Single-you take EVERY chance to talk to a guy. Especially the weird ones who in most cases you would completely ignore or deem as "mediocre" or "not your type"

Miserably Single-you don't date...don't try...don't want to be set up or even think about it. You sit at home watching chick flicks and eating chocolate chip cookies and drinking something that will help you daydream about the celebrity of your choice knocking on your door in he would ever find it.

(My personal choice at the moment) Derek Hough. One of the professional Ballroom dancers from Season 5 Dancing W/the Stars. Its random, and I'm not huge on blondes, but he just gets me!
lol as I'm sure you've gathered, I've been in all of these positions and I must say it feels nice to be happy. :) I've always had best guy friends and so I've never felt like I was missing anything when I wasn't dating, but right now its Lauren, Steph and Kristen...and I'm ok! Sometimes you're surprised by your own strength, but you never see it until you're pushed there. I'm glad I got pushed. Oh! I gotta go...Derek just knocked on the door! :)


Dana said...


You make me laugh. I love your cleverness. If I were having a wedding, I'd so hire you to be my bridesmaid. You know who it is that I'm dreaming will show up on my door step? A maid. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'd like for that maid to show up to my door next!

I just wish I could be watching behind your shoulder as you come up with this stuff! Not in a stalker-ish kind of way ... really.